Source code for

import io
import shlex
import subprocess
import threading
import re
import signal
import warnings
import os

NON_BLOCKING_ERROR_MESSAGE = "This method cannot be called on blocking shell commands"

[docs]class ShellCommand(): """ DEPRECATED: Please use ` <>`_ instead Abstraction layer for shell subprocess You can disable stdout, stdin, stderr Attributes: block (bool): if false, the command will be run asynchronously command (str): the shell command to run cwd (str): the current working directory error (str|list): everything the command will write on stderr will be here logger (:class:`~logging.Logger`): Instance of :class:`~logging.Logger` output (str|list): everything the command will write on stdout will be here process (:class:`~subprocess.Popen`): the :class:`~subprocess.Popen` instance use to run the command return_code (int): the return code of the shell command thread (:class:`~threading.Thread`): the :class:`~threading.Thread` instance use if the command is run in non blocking mode writer (:class:`~io.TextIOWrapper`): Instance of :class:`~io.TextIOWrapper` plugged on stdin """ def __init__(self, command, logger, cwd=None, block=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE): warnings.warn("Chuda Shell will be deprecated in next version. Please used ` <>` instead", category=DeprecationWarning) self.command = shlex.split(command) self.block = block self.process = None self.thread = None self.output = None self.error = None self.old_output_size = 0 self.old_error_size = 0 self.logger = logger self.writer = None self.return_code = -1 self._stdin = stdin self._stdout = stdout self._stderr = stderr if cwd: self.cwd = cwd.replace("~", os.getenv("HOME")) else: self.cwd = None
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the shell command Returns: ShellCommand: return this ShellCommand instance for chaining """ if not self.block: self.output = [] self.error = [] self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run_non_blocking) self.thread.start() else: self.__create_process() self.process.wait() if self._stdout is not None: self.output ="utf-8") if self._stderr is not None: self.error ="utf-8") self.return_code = self.process.returncode return self
def __create_process(self): self.process = subprocess.Popen( self.command, stdout=self._stdout, stderr=self._stderr, stdin=self._stdin, cwd=self.cwd ) def run_non_blocking(self): if not self.block: self.__create_process() if self._stdin is not None: self.writer = io.TextIOWrapper( self.process.stdin, encoding='utf-8', line_buffering=True, # send data on newline ) any_lines = True while self.process.poll() is None or any_lines: any_lines = False if self._stdout is not None: stdout = self.process.stdout.readline() if self._stderr is not None: stderr = self.process.stderr.readline() if self._stdout is not None and stdout: any_lines = True self.output.append(stdout.strip().decode("utf-8")) if self._stderr is not None and stderr: any_lines = True self.error.append(stderr.strip().decode("utf-8")) self.return_code = self.process.poll() return self.process.poll() raise TypeError(NON_BLOCKING_ERROR_MESSAGE)
[docs] def send(self, value): """ Send text to stdin. Can only be used on non blocking commands Args: value (str): the text to write on stdin Raises: TypeError: If command is blocking Returns: ShellCommand: return this ShellCommand instance for chaining """ if not self.block and self._stdin is not None: self.writer.write("{}\n".format(value)) return self else: raise TypeError(NON_BLOCKING_ERROR_MESSAGE)
[docs] def poll_output(self): """ Append lines from stdout to self.output. Returns: list: The lines added since last call """ if self.block: return self.output new_list = self.output[self.old_output_size:] self.old_output_size += len(new_list) return new_list
[docs] def poll_error(self): """ Append lines from stderr to self.errors. Returns: list: The lines added since last call """ if self.block: return self.error new_list = self.error[self.old_error_size:] self.old_error_size += len(new_list) return new_list
[docs] def kill(self): """ Kill the current non blocking command Raises: TypeError: If command is blocking """ if self.block: raise TypeError(NON_BLOCKING_ERROR_MESSAGE) try: self.process.kill() except ProcessLookupError as exc: self.logger.debug(exc)
[docs] def wait_for(self, pattern, timeout=None): """ Block until a pattern have been found in stdout and stderr Args: pattern(:class:`~re.Pattern`): The pattern to search timeout(int): Maximum number of second to wait. If None, wait infinitely Raises: TimeoutError: When timeout is reach """ should_continue = True if self.block: raise TypeError(NON_BLOCKING_ERROR_MESSAGE) def stop(signum, frame): # pylint: disable=W0613 nonlocal should_continue if should_continue: raise TimeoutError() if timeout: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, stop) signal.alarm(timeout) while should_continue: output = self.poll_output() + self.poll_error() filtered = [line for line in output if re.match(pattern, line)] if filtered: should_continue = False
[docs] def is_running(self): """ Check if the command is currently running Returns: bool: True if running, else False """ if self.block: return False return self.thread.is_alive() or self.process.poll() is None
[docs] def wait(self): """ Block until the end of the process """ while self.is_running(): pass
[docs] def print_live_output(self): ''' Block and print the output of the command Raises: TypeError: If command is blocking ''' if self.block: raise TypeError(NON_BLOCKING_ERROR_MESSAGE) else: while self.thread.is_alive() or self.old_output_size < len(self.output) or self.old_error_size < len(self.error): if self._stdout is not None and len(self.output) > self.old_output_size: while self.old_output_size < len(self.output):[self.old_output_size]) self.old_output_size += 1 if self._stderr is not None and len(self.error) > self.old_error_size: while self.old_error_size < len(self.error): self.logger.error(self.error[self.old_error_size]) self.old_error_size += 1
[docs]class Runner(): """ Factory for :class:`~ShellCommand` Attributes: cwd (str): the current working directory logger (:class:`~logging.Logger`): Instance of :class:`~logging.Logger` """ def __init__(self, logger=None, cwd=None): self.logger = logger self.cwd = cwd
[docs] def run(self, command, block=True, cwd=None, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE): """ Create an instance of :class:`~ShellCommand` and run it Args: command (str): :class:`~ShellCommand` block (bool): See :class:`~ShellCommand` cwd (str): Override the runner cwd. Useb by the :class:`~ShellCommand` instance """ if cwd is None: cwd = self.cwd return ShellCommand(command=command, logger=self.logger, block=block, cwd=cwd, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr).run()